New Remote Monitoring THWARTS thieves in the act and tracks COVID?

From ATM break-ins to cash fill there are so many points when ATMs are vulnerable. Many thieves choose to target a machine between 2 am and 4 am when they feel the machine is most vulnerable and the area is clear of people watching. This is where remote monitoring comes in. The system uses cameras and speakers to have live monitoring from a monitoring facility.

Imagine a few thieves are working their way into an ATM and in the middle of the process, a live voice comes over a loudspeaker. “You are currently being recorded and police are on their way!”. As you will see in the pictures it sends them running for the hills.


This system can be used not just for ATMs but for the entire branch. Applications of the program can even be used for internal tracking of access points inside your location. Say someone falls sick with COVID, Facial recognition can even be implemented to track who they came in contact with and what places need to be sanitized to protect against further spread.

As you can see there are countless applications of this system and its ranking on our TOP 5 business-changing solutions for 2021.

Check here and see a detailed breakdown of the system and how to get monitored at your location.

As always we value your feedback and we look forward to seeing you on our next article.

Signing off,

- Austin

LD Systems - your source for the latest Banking info in the world today.

Austin Dean